Ensuring the safety and well-being of all attendees is the foremost priority at Rev Discos. Here is an overview of our comprehensive safety procedures designed to protect and safeguard everyone participating in our events:

– **Vetted and Licensed Personnel:**
– All staff, DJs, security, photographers, and hosts undergo Garda vetting, with security personnel holding a valid PSA license.
– Volunteers, particularly medics from organizations like Red Cross or St John’s Ambulance, are independently vetted by their respective organizations.

– **Host Contracts and Security Measures:**
– Booking agents establish terms and conditions in contracts for hosts, ensuring security presence throughout the event.
– Hosts commit to sobriety, non-promotion of other brands, and providing prior notice if they cannot attend.
– Gardaí are informed ahead of the disco for community presence, patrolling, or assistance.

– **Venue Safety:**
– Regular fire safety checks, up-to-date electrical certifications, and defined fire safety capacities are maintained.
– Fire exits are kept clear with manned security, fire alarms and boxes checked, and a designated fire assembly point is communicated.
– Security ratios exceed legal requirements, with specific adjustments for varying locations.

– **Parental Involvement and Consent:**
– Parents purchase tickets, and age groups are clearly advertised.
– A parental responsibility form, consent form for photos/videos, and an emergency contact form are completed before purchase.
– Personal photos are shared privately, and some event photos are used for marketing with the option for removal.

– **Inclusive Environment:**
– Attendees are addressed neutrally, without gender-specific terms.
– Dress code allows freedom, excluding pajamas or onesies.

– **Direct Communication and Management:**
– Jamie Leahy, the owner, is the exclusive contact for social media, emails, and WhatsApp.
– An event manager briefs staff two hours before the event, conducting risk assessments and ensuring a smooth operation.

– **Security Measures and Attendee Conduct:**
– CCTV surveillance operates throughout the event.
– Attendees must report concerns; a searching policy is in place.
– Phased entry is advised, and attendees undergo a consented searching policy before entry.

– **Medical Situations and Emergencies:**
– Attendees with medical conditions coordinate with the medical team.
– A duty of carer manages incidents, liaising with parents, Gardaí, or medics as needed.

– **Post-Event Procedures:**
– Attendees cannot leave before 10.30 pm; or 11pm during the summer with our a parent/guardian signatures are required for early departures. Attendees can leave the last 30 minutes in a group or security walk them to the car park or pick up point if they are on their own.
– Security monitors potential issues, ensuring a safe environment for all.

Thank you for familiarizing yourself with our Safeguard Child Protection Policy. For any inquiries or if you feel we missed something, please reach out to us. Your safety and peace of mind are our utmost priorities.

Best regards,

Jamie from Rev Discos