**Parental Responsibility / Commitments Agreement**

*Your child’s safety and enjoyment are our top priorities at Rev Discos. By purchasing a ticket and entering the event, you agree to the following commitments:*

1. **Alcohol and Drug-Free Event:**
– Acknowledge and adhere to the law that mandates the event to be alcohol and drug-free.
– Consent to reasonable measures, including CCTV and breathalyzer tests, to ensure a drug and alcohol-free environment.
– Accept that attendees under the influence will be ejected without refund, and parents will be informed or, if uncontactable, Gardai will be called.

2. **Control Over Alcohol Consumption:**
– Instruct and ensure your child does not consume alcohol before, during, or on the way to the event.

3. **Travel Arrangements:**
– Personally organize your child’s travel arrangements to and from the event.
– Be present when your child returns home.

4. **Organizer’s Discretion:**
– Acknowledge the organizer’s right to cancel tickets, refuse admission, or ask any child to leave at their discretion.

5. **Contactability:**
– Be reachable by mobile phone during your child’s travel and attendance.
– Agree to promptly collect your child from the venue if requested via phone or text.

6. **Zero Tolerance for Drug Use:**
– Acknowledge that there is no safe or acceptable level of drug use for individuals under 18.
– Understand that drug use is a criminal offense, and if found, you will accompany your child to the Garda Station.

7. **Violence and Behavior:**
– Recognize that any form of violence, physical or verbal, will not be tolerated.
– Agree that severe acts of violence will involve Gardai, and you will be liable for associated expenses.
– Understand that involvement with Gardai may result in a ban from future events.

8. **Bullying and Harassment:**
– Instruct your child to inform security or staff immediately if they experience bullying, assault, or harassment.
– Emphasize the importance of reporting such incidents promptly due to potential challenges in identification.

9. **Respectful Behavior:**
– Ensure your child follows venue rules, refraining from disruptive behavior like throwing water, objects, or breaching health and safety.
– Accept liability for any damages caused by your child.

10. **Safety Standards:**
– Encourage your child to maintain high health and safety standards by reporting potential hazards to staff.

11. **Cooperation with Authorities:**
– Instruct your child to listen to Rev security, stewards, staff, and Gardai for the safety of all attendees.

12. **Leaving the Event:**
– Inform your child to contact Rev security or staff if they wish to leave, and they will be escorted to the duty of carer.
– Ensure your child is signed out before 10.30pm and does not walk out.

**Important Notice Regarding Event Policies:**

1. **No Vaping Policy:**
– Due to legal regulations and for the safety and comfort of all attendees, vaping is strictly prohibited on the premises. This includes all areas within the venue.

2. **Video Recording Consent:**
– In accordance with data protection laws, recording or capturing videos of others without their explicit consent is now considered a criminal offense.
– Attendees are advised and reminded that unauthorized video recording may lead to legal actions by parents or guardians, and involvement of Gardai.
– Always respect others’ privacy and refrain from recording or sharing videos without obtaining consent.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these event policies.

*We appreciate your cooperation, understanding, and adherence to these guidelines. By following these commitments, you contribute to maintaining Rev Discos for future generations.*