Epic Project X Cahir Valentines Disco for JC & TY Students

Live @ CH Nightclub (in between Cahir House Hotel & lava restaurant)

On Friday  February   18th

What to expect

Indoor fire works  / Foam Machines /
Confetti Cannons /Mega laser show performance by LED Stickman Free Photobooth with prints Free Sweets

With DJ Jonny
Best dressed wins a prize

Doors: 8pm-11pm| Tickets €15 + fee

>Large Outdoor Area

>5 Star brand new Clubbing Sound & Lighitng

> Special effects ( Lasers, Strobes, Foam, Smoke

> Free giveaways on the night including our brand new Rev snapback caps, Passes to our next disco, money give aways etc

>Photographers and much more !

***** No Refund Policy******
Refund only given if the event is cancelled due to poor ticket sales, if the event is postponed tickets will be transferred to another disco  once you confirm which disco you wish to use your ticket for by filling in our transfer form. Please do not show up with a void ticket as it will not scan and you will not be granted entry. You must have an active ticket. Your ticket from a postponed event is valid for 12 months excluding government restrictions imposed. If restrictions are imposed tickets will be frozen and valid for additional 3 months after the 12 months if the Parton is to old to attend the next event then a transfer/refund form will have to be filled in to receive a refund. If you cannot make the disco for some reason and you contact us prior we can put your ticket into our transfer list but if you just do not show up your ticket is no longer valid and is void. Deposit tickets cannot be transferred over.

If you change your mind and no longer wish to attend we are not responsible for this

if you do not want to go and you contact us to have your ticket cancelled the ticket is void and can no longer be used by anyone.

To get your money back you can sell your ticket at face Valu only

If you purchase the wrong disco ticket and conscription is within 24 hours we will transfer your ticket over if their is tickets available if not a refund will be offered to you.


***No Cloak Room *****

Please do not bring bags or sacks due to Covid we have no cloak room.



Rev Covid Policy


Wristbands must be worn at all times

>Masks are Compulsory except for eating, drinking, dancing or if your in our outdoor area

>Hand sanitizer stations upon entry, leaving, entering the bathroom and leaving.

>Please take personal responsibility.

Venue will be well ventilated with doors, aircon and fans inside.

No Cloak room over Covid! please bring what you can only carry (If it’s raining an area will be provided for jackets, no bags, ruck sacks etc)

Outdoor area 

Do not attend this event is your not feeling well, showing symptoms of Covid 19 or if you are a close contact.

****Source ****

Safety Statement


>Local Guards on site for safety

>Licenced Security Personnel

>Full CCTV for security and safety

>Lots of parking outside for safe pickup and drop off

Please click the link and read our parents responsibility and obligations before you allow your child to enter the disco


Thank you
